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Boondocking Etiquette Reminders

Boondocking Etiquette Reminders

The spring camping season will soon be in full swing. This means that tens-of-thousands of RVers and traditional campers will hit the roads for some much needed relief from the winter blues and the effects of being cooped up due to COVID. We always practice good etiquette when boondocking, but we decided to put together a Boondocking Etiquette Reminder for those who are looking to make public lands part of their camping adventure. Feel free to download and make as many copies as you like. We encourage you to post them in areas that allow such things. Helping others make good decisions that protect our precious public resources for recreation is immeasurable. Moreover, being good stewards of our public lands will help ensure that future generations get to experience and explore our beautiful public lands for many years to come. ~Brian

How We Make a Living on the Road

How We Make a Living on the Road

When Brian and I decided to make a drastic change in our lives and live and travel in our RV full time, we knew we could only last so long on our savings. With the sale of our home, all of our household belongings, cars, boat and other toys, we had enough money to get us started and allow us to survive (without working) for about three years. The plan was, however, to get our Lyf Uninterrupted business off the ground and then seek remote/virtual work after the first year of travel. Now that it’s been a year, we’re happy to report we’ve found income and can stop worrying about how much longer we can continue on the road before burning up our savings. Quitting our jobs and having no plan for income (other than savings) was a scary place to be, but we had faith. Admittedly, our first year on the road was one of the most relaxing and enjoyable years of our lives. We didn’t worry so much about income as we did where our next stop would be. I imagine it was sort of like a paid sabbatical from work. We committed to learning about the RV lifestyle and working out the bugs and kinks during this time. Our second year on the road rolled around (quite quickly I might add!), and kick started our need to find remote work. Again, we had three years of savings, but never really planned to burn through it. So what do we do for work that allows us to travel fulltime in our RV and explore this great country? We’ll share what we do along with stories from other RVers from a Wholesale Warranties Blog Post. Our Businesses LYF Uninterrupted Media, LLC: This is our YouTube business. We started our brand slowly by making YouTube videos and, along the way, grew it into something that provides a very modest income. You get a portion of the advertising revenue generated based on views of your videos. Once you reach a threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, you become eligible to have ads run on your videos. It was about the 1,000-subscriber point that we began having vendors reach out to us to review and demonstrate their products. This is a cool way of earning some income because you get a free product and potentially some money earned from watch time on your videos. Human Resources Consulting: This is my HR Consulting business. I spent over 20 years in the HR profession and having my own business was always a dream of mine. The upside of Covid-19 has been the creation of many virtual/remote opportunities and I’ve found work online that I might not have had before. I work part time in order to maintain that freedom we sought when we first hit the road. The only challenge to this work is ensuring we have efficient WIFI. If you’re considering finding remote work, there are many avenues to pursue. I’ve used,,, and Amazon Affiliates: Another way we earn income is through our Amazon Store . This is our Amazon storefront where, even though the prices are the same for you, we earn a small commission from the purchase. Paid Promotions/Partnerships: Once our channel began to grow, we were contacted by larger companies to become affiliates. The way this worked for us was to either make videos for the company and receive a flat rate or advertise the company’s products or services (sometimes with a discount code) and receive a commission on purchases. This has been a good avenue for us and has funded several of our camping memberships! Until we reached the 20,000-subscriber mark, we hadn’t really considered a Patreon account; however, this is something we’re considering doing in the near future. We want it to be of value to our Patrons so we’re continuing to explore the best ways to offer this. While all of these are great ways to earn income, one is not necessarily more lucrative than the other. In fact, it’s very important to diversify as these methods can be cyclical or seasonal. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!There are many others ways to find work on the road. One avenue we’ll likely pursue in the future is work-camping or camp hosting. Our preference is to do this in a park near a beach! If you have any suggestions, let us know! This type of work typically comes with a free pad or site to park your rig, amenities such as sewer, water and electric and sometimes a small weekly stipend. The only reason we haven’t looked into this yet, is we still feel like we have the traveling bug (especially having been sidelined by COVID) and aren’t ready to settle down for a few months in one place. I’m sure you can relate! So, this is a brief summary of how Brian and I work from the road. Here are some additional ways other Full-Time RVers and even Part Time or Seasonal are making a living on the road! Enjoy! 5 Ways RVers Make Money From the Road Without retirement on the horizon, full-time RV life may seem like a pipe dream for many. But these ten full-timers are making a living in ways you may not have thought of. The best part? They can do it wherever there is WIFI! Get inspired to create the life on the road that you’ve always dreamed of! Then leave a comment and tell us what your remote dream job is. #1 - Remote Cyber Security Engineer & Affiliate Marketer Jason & Rae Miller –  Getaway Couple Jason works remotely as a Cyber Security Engineer, which is our main source of income. We also have a YouTube channel and a blog to document our travels and share useful tips and tricks related to RV living. Our social media platforms are additional sources of income for us. We make a portion from ad revenue on the blog and YouTube, the more views on our videos or visits to our website equal more ad revenue. We also work with companies we love for sponsored content, this mostly involves getting the word out about a new product or service in the RV community. Another type of income for us is affiliate marketing. After we’ve tested a product or find a company that we trust, we recommend those products and services to our audience and make a small percentage of the sale. If you’re curious about how much money we make doing all of this, we have  monthly income reports  on our blog that showcase our income. Making money through social media platforms can be challenging at first, but if it’s something you’re interested in, it’s worth investing your time into. Just know it’s a lot of work so there has to be passion behind it first and foremost! Check out Rae & Jason’s monthly income reports  here . #2 - Website Owner & Coder Josiah & Ashley Mann –  RV Inspiration In 2016 my husband Josiah and I bought an RV to live in full-time so we would have the flexibility to relocate as needed for a business my husband was starting. At the end of 2018, we were finally both running our own businesses and had both achieved the ability to work from wherever we want. My business is one I never would have started had we not lived in an RV, which is that of a website owner.  In 2017 I started as a place to share good ideas for organizing, renovating, and decorating RVs. After about a year of working on it as a full-time job that I wasn’t getting paid for, I was finally able to turn it into a highly profitable business. I have now started a second blog called where I teach about blogging as a business, and I’m launching a third website soon, called, where I’ll share tips for getting rid of clutter and living more simply. My husband started out his remote career by learning to code through online courses and books.  After working for a few years as a freelance web developer, he eventually got a job working for a large marketing agency, and finally, ended up starting his own software company in 2018. You can read more about Josiah & Ashley’s entrepreneurial journey  here . #3 - Author & Online Teacher Marc & Julie Bennett –  RV Love We’ve been RVing full-time for over 5 years now, traveling and visiting all 50 states, plus Canada and Mexico – while still working full-time. How we make money from the road has evolved over the years. When we first started RVing, Marc was able to work remotely from our RV as a Project Manager of Operations for his Texas-based employer which funded our lifestyle. I immediately started creating content for our RVLove blog and YouTube channel. Over the next few years, Marc got promoted a couple of times, ending up as Director of Operations. Meanwhile, RVLove continued to grow, and in early 2017, Marc quit his job so we could both focus on RVLove full time. We launched  RV Success School  – the very first online school for wannabe RVers – offering guided courses to help people step by step through the process of buying an RV and transitioning into the lifestyle. Two years later, RV Success School is still going strong and has helped hundreds of people hit the road and thrive. Then last year, a major publishing house, Adams Media – a division of Simon & Schuster, asked us to write “the bible for the mobile life”. In November 2018, our book  “Living the RV Life – Your Ultimate Guide to Life on the Road”  hit bookstores around the country and even Costco! The response has been phenomenal, with the book getting 5-star reviews, and quickly hitting bestseller status. It’s already in its 3rd print run. Our RVLove community (now over 100,000) has continued to grow and provide additional sources of revenue, through our products, partnerships, and projects. It’s amazing how we’ve been able to combine our skills, talents, and experience with our passion for RVing to be of service to others. Today, instead of relying on Marc’s job as our sole income, we have multiple streams of income coming in from various sources – all related to the RVLove content we have created. We still work hard – sometimes a lot more than we used to. Yes, it’s a labor of love, but we have a lot more freedom and control over our schedules now, and that’s something we can’t put a price on. The most rewarding part for us is knowing we’ve inspired and helped a lot of people along the way. Get a copy of Julie & Marc’s “Living the RV Life”  here . #4 - Photographer & Writer Emily & Mark Fagan –  Roads Less Traveled When we started traveling full-time, we were 47 and 53 years old, and we were seeking a change from living a conventional workday lifestyle. We figured we’d lease out our house and live on the rental income as well as our nest egg for as long as we could. We always joked that we’d be greeters at Walmart when we got old and our money ran out.  After all our years of travel adventures, we knew we’d be the happiest Walmart greeters ever. Each of us have always had an interest in photography, and we bought entry-level DSLR Nikon cameras right before we began traveling.  Once we were on the road, we suddenly had not only gorgeous scenery to photograph but time to devote to learning the craft as well, and we dove into the world of photography head first. In the evenings, Mark studied every book and blog he could find about photography while I sat in my recliner next to him and pursued my lifelong interest in writing, describing our adventures in detail first on our own website ( Roads Less Traveled ) and then for various RVing print magazines. We also attended two landscape photography workshops so we could learn directly from photographers we admired. We never set out to become professional photographers, and I never imagined I’d be a regularly published freelance travel writer. But we have now published over 150 feature articles in both RV and sailing magazines (we spent nearly four years sailing the Pacific coast of Mexico), and we’ve published 27 print magazine covers and had several wall calendar covers and monthly calendar photos as well. I also have a bi-monthly column on the back page of Trailer Life Magazine. In every sense, our dreams have come true. Our income from these ventures is not a living wage, but it is great pocket money and has slowed the pace at which we deplete our nest egg.  It also keeps us engaged in lifelong learning and gives us a focus as we travel.  We have found that if we go out on a hike and simply carry our cameras with us, looking for photo ops, we see a lot more than if we hiked without them! For newcomers to the full-time RVing lifestyle who are coming off of a fast-paced conventional lifestyle, we highly recommend that you take the plunge and go have an adventure but also allow yourself some time on the road to get creative and do some soul searching in your new setting to find a way to make money that suits you and your new lifestyle. We did not start our blog until we had been traveling for over a year, and our first RV magazine article wasn’t published until a few months after that.  We needed that period of pure-play to adjust to our new lifestyle, learn how to live it, and change gears and slow down from the frantic pace of our previous lives.  Looking back, we have never thought of our photography or writing as “work” or “a job” and still don’t.  And we still rely on our rental income each month too. Check out some of their gorgeous photography on their website  here . #5 - Remote Medical Administrator & Seller of RV Resources Bryan & Luann Street –  Where the Streets Wander We run an RV lifestyle website, Where the Streets Wander while traveling the country full-time in our RV. We work remotely helping others fulfill their RV dream by providing resources just for RVers. Those resources include articles about RVing on our website,  a travel planner just for RVers , a monthly membership for RVers to help them design their best RV life, and another planner that helps RVers transition to full-time with ease. Our goal is to encourage people to stop wondering and start wandering! We developed these resources while traveling and living our RV dream. I (Luann) also managed to take my 9-5 job remotely and love to teach others how they might be able to do it too. I’m a medical practice administrator doing that practices financial work as well as physician credentialing and consulting. RVing is all mindset and hard work but we believe that when it comes to RVing sooner is better than later, now is the best time and that everyone can have their RV dream! Get a copy of “The Complete RV Travel Planner”  here . Emily of Roads Less Traveled put the mindset of working while traveling full-time eloquently when she said: “There are many ways to make money on the road, from taking seasonal service positions in popular tourist destinations, to workamping or doing part-time jobs of all kinds in towns across the country. Lots of people dream of working remotely online from their RV, but there is something to be said for holding a job where you interact with other people in person on a regular basis, whether they are other travelers like you or are locals who live in a town you are visiting”. Or, you could always start your dream company from your rig.  It worked out pretty well Wholesale Warranties owner, Jeff Shelton . Have you ever held a job while RVing full-time? What was it? Let us know in the comments! Interested in working with an RV Warranty Specialists to see what type of coverage fits you and your rig? Simply click the link below, fill out the information on the page and voilà, you’re on the way to peace of mind. Be sure to use Referral Code D-LyfUninterrupted when requesting a quote by phone!

How To Make an Affordable RV Pedestal Table[Easy DIY]

How To Make an Affordable RV Pedestal Table[Easy DIY]

In this post, I'll share the step-by-step process I used to make an ultra functional table for UNDER $130 that can be used for dining, working or playing games. It's almost impossible to find an RV these days that meets all of our wants, needs and desires. Unless money is no object that is. Those of us who are full-time RVers have limited space for just about everything, let alone woodworking tools. The good news is that this project is so simple there is no reason to shy away from it. Most RV's have unused areas or spaces that just aren't functional. This is where the fun begins because if you can imagine it, then you can build it. I searched high and low for a pre-made table. I went as far as to contact a couple of RV manufacturers only to be given outlandish prices for an OEM option. One quoted me over $800 and another quoted me almost $1300! Needless to say...neither of these were an option. SUPPLIES AND TOOLS NEEDED FOR THIS PROJECT SUPPLIES - 18x24 Cabinet grade 3/4 inch plywood ($35 or less) - 3/4 inch Self-Adhesive Wood Edge Banding ($15) - Wood Stain ($6) - Clear, Satin Polyuerthane Spray ($10) - Sequoia Flush-Mount Table Leg System ($60) - 200 grit sandpaper ($2) - Old cloth for applying stain - Masking Tape TOOLS - Drill Driver - 1/16 Drill Bit - Coping Saw or Similar Saw - Aeresol Can (typical size) - Iron - Pencil FABRICATING THE TABLE TOP STEP 1 - CUT THE PLYWOOD TO SIZE This process is pretty simple. You have a couple of options when it comes to fabricating the table top. Option 1: You can purchase a pre-made table top, then modify it. Option 2: You can purchase a piece of cabinet grade plywood from Home Depot or Lowe's. The great thing about option 2 is that they will cut the plywood to any size you like! I recommend option 2! STEP 2 - RADIUS THE CORNERS Once you have the table top cut to size it's time to radius the corners. When you're on the road full time you have to be resourceful. If I was making this table at my old workshop I would have a radius template and various saws to accomplish this. But on the road, an aerosol can and a cheap coping saw works just as well! You can see here that this makes for a perfect radius! Simply connect the dots and voila! You have a rounded corner. Apply masking tape to the corners of the plywood on both sides. Doing so helps to keep the plywood from splintering as you make the cut. Mark the radius with a pencil, then use the coping saw to make the cut. Be sure to sand the surface of all 4 corners after making the cut. This should take less than 30 minutes. STEP 3 - APPLY THE EDGE BANDING After you've rounded the corners it's time to apply the edge banding. Be sure to buy WOOD edge banding(with the adhesive already applied)that matches the plywood! The plywood I used was Birch so I purchased Birch edge banding. The process to apply the edge banding is simple and only takes about 10 minutes. All you do is align one edge of the banding flush with one edge of the plywood, then use an iron to heat the adhesive so that the edge banding is adhered to the edge. Once applied, you can use a razor blade to trim the edge banding so that it's flush with the plywood surface. Be careful when trimming the edge banding so as not to gouge the surface of the plywood. STEP 4 - SANDING Use the 200 grit sandpaper to prepare the wood for staining. Make sure all areas of the table top are smooth and free of rough edges. I used a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol to make sure all sanding dust is removed from the surface before applying the stain. STEP 5 - APPLY THE STAIN I recommend Minwax Penetrating Stain as it's Inexpensive and easy to apply. Stain color is a personal preference, but I recommend using a color that is complimentary to the existing wood color in your RV. Apply as many coats of stain as you like until the color is where you want it. I used a cloth to apply the stain, but you can use a brush if you like. Allow the stain to dry per the directions and then it's on the the next step! STEP 5 - APPLY THE CLEAR COAT The type of clear coat you choose is a personal choice. I decided to use a spray type water-based polyurethane because it doesn't require any additional tools and clean-up is a breeze. Apply the clear coat per the directions. I ended up applying 6 light coats making sure to sand in between coats using 200 grit sand paper. This process can take a while, but be patient. The silky smooth results are worth it. INSTALLING THE TABLE LEG BASE SYSTEM The great thing about the Sequoia Flush-Mount Table Leg system is that there is no need to drill a large hole in the floor of your RV like with other systems! This makes this type of system very flexible because you really can install it anywhere. STEP 1 - FIND A FLAT SURFACE TO MOUNT THE FLOOR BASE MOUNT This is very important! Make sure the location you choose is suitable before you fasten the floor base to the floor! In this case, there were no obstructions in the area I chose so I pre-drilled the holes through the flooring and underlying metal. Then I fastened the floor base to the floor using the included screws. Going through the flooring and into the underlying metal made for a super secure mount. We have a Class A coach, so there was a perfect spot on the just behind the "Dog House" and in between the captain and co-captain seats. The floor base mount also has a plastic cover that can be snapped into place when not in use. STEP 2 - INSTALL THE TABLE BASE LEG AND TABLE MOUNT Installing the table leg to the floor base is very easy. Simply line up the tabs, twist the leg the leg to lock it into place, then tighten up the black collar! This makes for a very stable and sturdy table! Attaching the the table mount to the underside of the table top is accomplished using the supplied screws. Once that's done you can install the table top to the top of the table leg. The great thing about having an extra table in this location is that we can swivel the table and chairs making this a great space for eating, working or playing games. I even went a step further and created a smaller table for playing checkers or chess. It's small enough to leave in place while traveling too. Shawnna found this at a local discount store for $3! All I had to do was add the table mount like the one for the larger table. So there it is. The finished project(s) for under $130! Adding extra work space, eating space or play space to your RV is not as difficult as you might think. With a little ingenuity and patience, anything is possible! ~Brian

How We Afford Health Care on the Road

How We Afford Health Care on the Road

When Brian and I decided to transform our lives by leaving everything behind, jumping in our 35’ motorhome and living on the road, health insurance and how we’d afford it was a HUGE concern. Both of us had great health insurance coverage through our employers and realized that by quitting our jobs, we’d lose that great coverage by the end of our first month. Our great coverage included medical, dental and vision. We researched a ton of plans, some even specific to the full-time RV community, but most were cost prohibitive for us. Afterall, we’d be living off our savings for the first year and didn’t want to spend almost $2,000 per month for medical premiums. PLUS, that $2,000 per month wouldn’t cover pre-existing conditions. So, as we hit the road, we chose the most cost-effective route and went with COBRA insurance. If you’re not familiar with COBRA, it’s offered to you when you leave a covered employer’s plan for up to 18 months. Basically, you remain on the same plan, same coverage, etc. continuing as if you were still employed. The only kicker is that you now pay your portion and the portion the employer was paying. Hence, a significantly higher monthly premium! We decided to go this route to ensure coverage of pre-existing conditions while we’re on the road our first year! Soon after our first year, we found we stayed relatively healthy and only saw a doctor for a sinus infection and renewal of medication. With that, we decided to go ahead and research one of the options we’d heard about originally, called Christian healthcare cost-sharing programs. There are a few out there and they’re similar in structure. Basically, a healthcare cost-sharing program is not an insurance program. Your expenses are not guaranteed to be covered, that decision is left up to the members who pay into the program. Additionally, you may not be able to claim any of your monthly payments for tax purposes. Your monthly payments are generally considered gifts and, in most cases, you must negotiate discounted cash payments, pay for services in advance and submit your bills for reimbursement. So why would you even consider joining such a program? Well, there are three main reasons! You’re relatively healthy, its affordable and you believe in helping others! In most cases there are no limits to who you choose as a provider and in some cases, pre-existing conditions can be covered. It IS a leap of faith participating in a Christian based healthcare cost-sharing program. After researching several well-known healthcare cost-sharing programs and obtaining referrals from other full-time RV’ers who participate in these programs, we settled on Christian Healthcare Ministries . If you’re researching, be careful to get the name right as there are a couple with very similar sounding names and domains. You can check out their website for more information, or if you’re ready to apply, we’d love if you used our referral link . Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) offers three levels of participation. We chose the highest level called “Gold” and an add-on called “Brother’s Keeper” for catastrophic medical bills. Monthly, we pay $344 to cover Brian and I on the “Gold” plan and $45 per quarter for the “Brother’s Keeper” add-on. That’s a HUGE savings from what we were paying on COBRA or with the other high-deductible plans we researched. Also interesting to note about CHM: · CHM is a federally certified exemption to the individual mandate under the US Affordable Care Act · The longest-serving health cost sharing ministry, CHM has served members since 1981 · The ministry is a Better Business Bureau Accredited charity · Is the only healthcare sharing ministry mentioned on The Dave Ramsey Show . · Generous maternity program at the Gold level (at no additional cost) · No one is dropped or denied membership due to health conditions, nor are costs adjusted based on medical conditions or history The key to saving on this type of healthcare cost-sharing program is to know before you go! With that I mean you should spend some time comparison shopping for healthcare services and costs, negotiate discounts for cash pricing (self-pay) and understand the payment plans your healthcare provider offers. If you’re going to the doc for a routine exam, ask for a list of all the associated charges and let them know you want the cash or self-pay price. Additionally, ask them for any “cash price” or self-pay discounts – many will offer a significant discount for this! If the visit or procedure is going to be expensive, now would be the time to discuss a payment plan. It’s important to note that since healthcare cost sharing is not an insurance plan, you will have a period of time to wait for reimbursement. Asking your healthcare provider or facility to set up a payment plan gives you time to submit your bills and receive reimbursement from CHM. Some members also have a healthcare related credit card from Care Credit . A few comparison-shopping resources include: · – a national marketplace to search procedures at self-pay rates in your local area. When asked about insurance type – use Uninsured/Self Pay. · – a national marketplace with healthcare provider relationships. Compares all-inclusive pricing, gives the number of quality of provider reviews, bio of each doctor and what procedure each doctor offers. · - A great tool for understanding pricing of many standard procedures. · - Simply use the services section to find procedures and pricing. The Providers tab gives you a list of providers and their locations. · The key for this type of medical plan is to understand it is not an insurance plan, reimbursement is not guaranteed and you must take control of your medical expenses. If you’re relatively healthy and willing to do the upfront work and research, you can save a TON of money on monthly premiums. For dental and vision insurance, our plan had been to obtain these services South of the border in either Algodones or Puerto Penasco, MX. Both popular with full-time RV’ers and retirees in the Southwest. That is until Covid-19 reared its ugly head. For now, we’ll hold off on the dental and eye exams in anticipation that the border will open near the end of the year. By going to Mexico, you receive care from very qualified medical professionals (many trained in the United States) at a considerable discount over what you’d pay in the States. For example, you can receive an exam and cleaning for around $20!! But that’s not all! You can receive root canals, extractions, fillings and cosmetic dental procedures there as well. Additionally, you can find some great prices on eye exams, glasses and prescriptions in Mexico. So that’s our health insurance coverage in a nutshell. So far so good. At this point in time, we have not had to use our benefits with CHM, but we feel prepared should the need arise. In putting together this blog, I wanted to share what we’ve done to make life on the road a little more affordable. The healthcare cost-sharing program isn’t for everyone, but I feel strongly that it’s an option you should at least research. We don’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of the plans and highly recommend, if you’re interested, to do your research and compare options & plans. You may be pleasantly surprised! If you’re ready to apply, we’d love if you used our referral link: Thank you!! See ya on the road! ~Shawnna & Brian Please follow us on our other platforms as well! We share additional information not always contained on our website! Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: YouTube (It’s FREE to subscribe): Twitter: Email: We love to test and review RV related products. Reach out to us at Have you got THE DYRT?? If not, what are you waiting for??? Unlock GREAT camping savings with the PRO!! Unlock a Year of PRO with this link: Get THE DYRT PRO at a 10% discount by following this link and using code: LYF . Let us know what you think in the comments below. *Lyf Uninterrupted is an affiliate partner of The Dyrt. We earn a small commission when you use the link and our code at check out. Thank you for supporting The Dyrt and our Channel. © All rights reserved, Lyf Uninterrupted Media, LLC #rvlifestyle #healthcare #fulltimervlife #rvliving #rvlifestyle #lyfuninterrupted #fulltimervliving

Have you Heard???                                                 We got THE DYRT – Did you??

Have you Heard??? We got THE DYRT – Did you??

Brian and I were recently contacted by founders, Sarah Smith & Kevin Long, of THE DYRT. The #1 ranked app for “camping” . We were thrilled and surprised to learn what a valuable camping and RV’ing resource this truly is. This resource is jam-packed with helpful information including campground & RV park reviews, downloadable (offline) maps, contests and prizes, 40% discounts on camping & RV parks, great discounts on outdoor gear, helpful forums for sharing of information, a magazine dedicated to all things camping & RV related and a soon to be released trip planner for one-stop shopping! Unlock a Year of PRO with this link: The Dyrt P ro Yes, there’s a FREE version of THE DYRT! But with the PRO version, you can save 40% off participating RV parks and campsites and with just one stay, you effectively recoup the cost of your membership! PLUS, don’t forget you’ll receive great discounts on outdoor products as well! And right now, you can save 40% off the regular PRO price (Regularly $35.99 NOW - $21.49 ) – that’s a great deal!! After 7/17/20 the discount will be 10% by using our link and Code LYF . Here’s the dirt – on THE DYRT!! Now you’ll know too! Community Features: • The largest campground database – with over 44,000 public and private campgrounds and parks • The most campground reviews – with 1 million user-submitted campsites, reviews and tips • The #1 ranked app for “camping” – in iOS App store and Google Play • Over 1.4 million website visitors per month • A new user joins THE DYRT every 50 seconds • Top camping search app THE DYRT hits 7-year high for traffic • New forums give campers a place to get questions answered with over 2,500 questions and replies • Monthly campground review contests, badges and prizes Ready to go PRO? Here’s what you’ll get, plus the opportunity to save MONEY! No WIFI? No Problem! Hit the Road with THE DYRT PRO Offline Maps and THE DYRT Downloadable Maps. These features allow campers to: • Spontaneously find camping offline without WIFI or cell service while on the road • Read campground reviews while offline • Download maps within THE DYRT PRO App which include data on campsites, campground info, and campground reviews • Sales of THE DYRT PRO have jumped over 2,000% in the last 60 days • A new camper is buying THE DYRT PRO every 5 minutes PRO Discount Club: PRO Camping and Gear Discounts • Allows campers to save 40% off your first night of camping fees, 10% off following nights • Bundles deals on campgrounds into an app RV’ers and campers are already using • Saves campers & RV’ers 30% on outdoor gear brands PRO Road trip Planner: A ONE-STOP SHOP! • Give you campground options between each destination • Find gas stations that accommodate your rig when you need them • Build out a road trip itinerary based on your stops, vehicle type, and camping preferences PRO BLM and National Forest Boundaries: (Coming September 2020) Who doesn’t love boondocking or FREE Camping? • PRO Boundaries will make it easier to find free camping and boondocking while offline • Find roads and routes leading to BLM and National Forest land with offline maps What are you waiting for?? Now you’ve got THE DYRT! Don’t delay signing up for the PRO while it’s at a 40% discount. Please use this link below to sign up! Unlock a Year of PRO with this link: The Dyrt Pro After 7/17/20, you can still get THE DYRT PRO at a 10% discount by f ollowing this link and using code: LYF . Let us know what you think in the comments below. Happy Trails ~ Shawnna & Brian Please follow us on our other platforms as well! We share additional information not always contained on our website! Facebook Instagram Pinterest YouTube (It’s FREE to subscribe ) Twitter Email : And check out our favorite gear in our Amazon Store ! Looking for Lyf Uninterrupted Merchandise ? Check out what we have to offer! We love to test and review RV related products. Reach out to us at *Lyf Uninterrupted is an affiliate partner of The Dyrt. We earn a small commission when you use the link and our code at check out. Thank you for supporting The Dyrt and our Channel. © All rights reserved, Lyf Uninterrupted Media, LLC

Our first YouTube Live Stream!
6/28 at 6:00 PM EST

Our first YouTube Live Stream!
6/28 at 6:00 PM EST

Unfortunately, we had to postpone our live stream due to poor wifi connection.  We gave it the ole college try - even purchasing services from another provider - to no avail.  So disappointing!  We did shoot an update video to cover the topics we would have covered in the live stream.  Stay tuned for that!  We will reschedule our live stream in the very near future. We hope you'll join us for our very first YouTube Live Stream this Sunday, 6/28 at 6:00 PM EST.  We can't wait to hear what you've been up to and celebrate YOU as we reach 20,000 LU Crew members.  If you're not a YouTube subscriber, go ahead and hit that "Subscribe" button and ring the bell so you'll be notified when the live stream is launching.  Did you know, it's free to subscribe?  See you Sunday! Link to our YouTube channel: For additional information and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out:
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REDDIT: u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot
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How We Save Money RV'ing | Travel Smarter Not Harder

How We Save Money RV'ing | Travel Smarter Not Harder

When Brian and I set out on this journey of full time RV Life, we were somewhat at the mercy of fellow YouTubers who forged a path ahead of us.  I’m sure we’ve mentioned in our videos that not only did other YouTubers inspire us to do this, but they were a huge help in providing information as to what we’d need for the rig, for the pets and for us!   Having limited resources, we didn’t want to make a huge financial commitment to any clubs, memberships or discount programs until we determined our best style and mode of travel, whether it be RV parks or boondocking or a combination. A year’s now gone by –  can you believe it  – so we’ve had the opportunity to sit and reflect on what worked, what didn’t and our preferred style and mode of travel.  Here’s a list of how it all went down (or up) depending on how you look at it – LOL! Camping Memberships :   aka Lodging, RV Park Costs, Camping Fees THE BIG WINNER : -  Thousand Trails + Trails Collection*  – Cost: $750.00 –  SAVED: $1,475  (75 Nights)   If interested in a Thousand Trails membership, use this link:  and mention ID# R-0314922 We purchased our TT membership in September of 2019 when we knew we’d be heading to the East Coast and more TT locations would be available.  We’re so glad we did!  We stayed in some awesome locations where we could catch all the blue crab we wanted – right outside our door.  Had swaying palms and turquoise beaches as our view and were able to connect with family and friends in a location that had so much activity going on.  Yes, there were a few stinkers along the way, but overall, the value we received from our TT membership could NOT be beat.  Our advice to you if you’re RV Newbies is to purchase the basic membership and try it out when you’re going to be in locations where parks are plentiful.  You may like it, you may not.  You may find that boondocking is more your style.  We encourage you to try before you buy the big expensive plans unless you KNOW you’ll primarily stay in the parks and in locations where the parks are plentiful.  Insider tip:  Go to Sunshine Key RV Resort in Florida!  Put it on your list and start making reservations now.  You won’t be sorry!  And while you’re there, check out Bahia Honda State Park – GORGEOUS!!   SECOND RUNNER UP : -  Passport America  – Cost: $44 –  SAVED: $461  (25 Nights) Get 50% discount off nightly rates:  Mention ID# R-0314922 Passport America is really the first membership we purchased.  We attended the 2019 Quartzsite show and they were selling at a special price for Veterans.  I think it was something like 2.5 years for the price of one, so how could we pass that up! We didn’t know much about PA, other than what we’d heard on YouTube from others.  We’re so glad we bought it and bought it early.  PA, if you don’t know, saves you up to 50% on the cost of participating RV parks per night.  There are restrictions, but for the most part, we were able to use it when and where we wanted.  From the beginning, we used our PA app to locate parks along our route and we spent on average about $20 for full hookups.  Now, let’s be honest here, the PA parks are not your typical KOA resort parks.  You get a parking space and hookups and many are located near railroad tracks, but the savings and convenience can be huge!  We found many PA parks in remote areas or small towns (again, near railroad tracks) and they were great for the one or two nights we used them.  Most have laundry facilities, showers, dog runs and play areas for the kids.  Brian and I consider this a must-have membership if you’re going to be traveling most of the year.   PLEASANT SURPRISE : -  National Park Pass/America the Beautiful  – Cost: $80 –  SAVED: $287  (24 nights + 4 national park entrances) Follow this link to learn more: We call this one a pleasant surprise because we didn’t know a thing about it until a park ranger mentioned it to us.  After checking in and paying for our site at an Army Corps of Engineer park, the park ranger asked if we’d like to buy the pass.  When he told us our nightly stay would be cut in half, it was a no-brainer!  Not only do you get free entry to National Parks (think Grand Canyon), you also may qualify for ½ off your campground stay.  Because of this pass, we were turned on to the wonderful world of Army Corps of Engineer parks.  If you haven’t stayed in one, seek it out!  They’re usually at or near a lake, and are some of the best kept parks we’ve ever stayed at.   BEAUTIFUL LOCATIONS : -  Harvest Hosts  – Cost:  $49 –  SAVED: $41  (3 nights) Get 15% off with this link: If you’ve ever dreamed of sleeping in a vineyard, waking up with Alpacas or sipping cocktails next to a landing strip, Harvest Hosts is the way to go!  You’ll find some of the most unique locations and properties to set up camp for the night.  Yes, it’s recommended that you patronize the host by buying a bottle of wine, shopping in their store or whatnot, but you don’t have to go hog-wild.  Unless you’re camping on a hog farm – LOL.  No seriously!  We’ve heard some folks say they wouldn’t buy a HH membership because you don’t save money, but you do!  Think of the money you spend at the HH location as an entertainment expense or the cost of something you would purchase anyhow.  Look past the small donation and revel in the beauty of the where you are!  Brian and I have had some awesome evenings staying at wineries!  Best part, we only had to walk a few feet back to our home.  Unfortunately for us, we were experiencing engine problems in the latter part of the year and didn’t get to use our HH membership as much as we’d liked.  No worries, that’s what this year is for.  Once things start opening up, of course. SAVED US MONEY IN A PINCH : -  Campendium & The  Dyrt  Apps – Cost: $0 (but you can upgrade for more benefits) –  SAVED:  $Unknown Follow these links for more information:  or Both Campendium and The Dyrt are camping apps that help you find places to camp.  Whether you’re boondocking (dry camping) or looking for an RV park, both helped us out in a pinch several times over the last year.  Not only do they include multiple modes of camping, they include reviews from other campers, locations, phone numbers, pictures and more.  More than a few times over the course of the year, we arrived at a location only to find it wouldn’t work for us for various reasons (either too tight or unlevel).  Our go-to was one of these apps to quickly find an alternative which could be a rest stop, cracker barrel, boondocking spot or another RV park for the night.  In some cases, we were able to shop around parks and find one with a more agreeable price range by using these apps.  If you don’t have them, you gotta get them!   Fuel Savings Programs : aka “Where Can I Find Cheap Gas” This was an area, we researched and researched before heading out last year.  We knew gas would be one of our largest expenses and wanted to be sure we took advantage of any discounts out there!  We have a gas coach, so this information is only pertinent to gassers.   We used three modes of savings last year: Gas Buddy Gas Savings Card:   Cost: $ FREE –  SAVED: $49 For more information follow this link:  and use this code: EEHY6ZH Gas buddy saves you 5 cents per gallon (sometimes higher) at participating gas stations.  Some of the exceptions are Sams’s Club and Costco gas stations.  The card ties directly to your debit card.  That was a little scary for us, but so far no problems. Good Sam Savings Card :  Cost: $29 –  SAVED: $117  (this includes gas, propane and a couple of RV park discounts we were able to utilize.   For more information follow this link: We originally purchased this membership to save money at Camping World (now Gander Outdoor) and found that it was also a fuel savings card.  You need to use it at Pilot or Flying J to get the discounts, but it’s been well worth it!  We can use it for propane and for some RV parks.  Honestly though, we usually look for a Passport America park or ask for a Veteran’s discount which is usually more than Good Sam offers. Sam’s Club Card : Cost:  $100 (we have the premier membership) –  SAVED: $Unknown For more information follow this link: We had this card prior to our full time RV life and already knew Sam’s Club gas stations sold gas for about 10 cents cheaper than regular stations.  When we can, which is not very often, we look for a Sam’s Club station to fill up.  If not, we resort to Gas Buddy or Good Sam. Repairs and Maintenance on the Road : aka, “Damn Good Thing We Had This One” SAVED OUR HINEYS: -  Family Motor Coach Association  (FMCA) – Cost: $75, FMCA Roadside Assistance benefit – Cost: $129 –  SAVED: $946 For $10 OFF your membership, please use our affiliate link: / FMCA is a very reputable organization with tons of valuable information, discounts and support for the RV traveler.  Did you know, you don’t need to have a motorhome to be part of FMCA?  While we originally bought the standard membership, we thought it would be a good idea to purchase the Roadside Assistance benefit for JUST IN CASE!  Well, lucky or unlucky for us, JIC happened before our first year was finished.  That’s right, we had an engine problem while in Florida.  FMCA’s RA benefit covered the full cost of our towing (65 miles) as well as a portion of our 11 days displaced from our home.  It’s an excellent benefit to have and FMCA made the process super easy and comforting.  While we don’t expect to have any more engine trouble in the years to come, we still purchased this benefit JIC!!  Next up, we plan to utilize the tire discount program this year when Freeda needs new shoes! General Savings Credit Card : aka, “The Card with the Highest Balance” Sam’s Club Reward Mastercard : - Cost: $100 (premier edition) –  SAVED: $751  (Cashback on Fuel & all Other) For more information follow this link: This is another area that we researched intensely before hitting the road last year.  We knew we wanted a credit card with great cash back rewards for fuel, lodging, food and other expenses on the road.  We used this card for just about everything, which made it simple for us to track expenses each month.  If we could give you another word of advice, it would be to have and use a card that gives you back cash for the types of purchases you’re going to make.  Do your research as there are several out there.  This one happened to be the best for us! Membership that DIDN’T save us money! Escapees RV Club Membership : - Cost: $39 –  SAVED: $0 For more information follow this link:  Mention Lyf Uninterrupted Last but not least is the only membership that didn’t save us money over the last year.  Primarily, we didn’t have a chance to use it after purchasing it in December.  We had intentions of using it to stay at Escapees parks in AZ, but once we were ready, COVID 19 hit and we just haven’t had a chance.  They have several benefits that we haven’t taken advantage of along with a really nice magazine.  Perhaps we’ll get to use it in our second year, but this is one membership we’ll probably not renew.  FMCA and others just fit the bill for us. Other Ways to Save Money That Aren’t Membership or Program Related Additionally, there are others ways Brian and I look to save money on the road.  We love, love, love to boondock and the cost per night for that is ZERO!  By researching and changing our medical insurance provider for this year, we plan to cut our monthly premium in half !  Also, we changed our domicile from AZ to SD last June (through Americas Mailbox) and saved  thousands  of dollars on registration, title and insurance.   Thousands !  Our overall savings listed below are only for memberships, but we saved a ton over the last year by camping smarter not harder.  Stay tuned for an upcoming blog on how we cut our medical insurance premium in half! Tally for the Year: Total Cost       $1295 for all memberships Total Savings $ 4,086 across all memberships  Your results may vary, depending on many factors.  This is how we saved money based on our travel style and location.  Overall message: Look into memberships and programs that will save you money on the road.  There are many out there and depend on where and how you travel.  Look at credit cards that will give you cash back.  And, before you commit to purchasing a membership or program, be sure to look for discounts.  We have several listed in our links above.  We hope this information helps you as you sort through all the programs, memberships and discounts available for your camping and RV travels.   For additional information and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out:

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REDDIT: u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot

We now have Lyf Uninterrupted MERCHANDISE!


#rvlife #lyfuninterrupted #fulltimervliving #rvliving #10rvquestions * Interested in serious discounts offered through a resale membership? Contact the Membership Outlet: Kimberly: 1-800-272-0401 or email: & please mention Lyf Uninterrupted as your referral source. Thank you so much!

Interview with The Best of Us - The Floros

Interview with The Best of Us - The Floros

We were flattered to be asked by YouTubers  Deana and Duane Floro@thebestofusthefloros to attend a zoom interview where we discussed full time RV topics with fellow RV'ers and content creators.   It was a great discussion loaded with ideas, suggestions, advice, challenges, celebrations and learning opportunities.  We hope you enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 below.  Check out their YouTube channel as well as our friends Travels with Delaney @travelswithdelaney   Let us know what you think! For additional information and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:   @lyfuninterrupted #lyfuninterrupted YOUTUBE: PINTEREST: REDDIT: u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot We now have Lyf Uninterrupted MERCHANDISE! FIND OUR FAVORITE RV LIFE GEAR IN OUR AMAZON SHOP AT:   WWW.AMAZON.COM/SHOP/LYFUNINTERRUPTED For questions or to obtain our mailing address for product reviews: #rvlife #lyfuninterrupted #fulltimervliving #rvliving @travelswithdelaney @thebestofusthefloros

10 Question Challenge - Quarantine Edition

10 Question Challenge - Quarantine Edition

Hello LU Crew!  Brian and I were recently challenged by our friends, Michael & Tiffany of YouTube channel "RV Diem" , to answer the 10 RV Quarantine questions. We would have preferred to answer these questions via video, however, we're experiencing wifi challenges in our current boondocking location and by the time the video got out, the quarantine could possibly be over! So here are the answers to Lyf Uninterrupted's 10 Question challenge and stay tuned to the end where we nominate some of our friends to do the same! Here we go! Q1)  How many rolls of TP do you have at this moment? A)  We have three giant rolls!  Back at the beginning of the TP apocalypse, we were running low on TP!  We made a trek to Sam's Club and the only paper product on the shelf was a 1200 pack of napkins!  We went ahead an purchased in the unlikely circumstance we were unable to find TP.  You may have seen our video on that.   LINK:   Additionally, we were told to purchase blue shop towels as they're very soft on the bum and could be a great substitute.  We bought both.  Lo and behold a couple of weeks ago, we found a 24 pack of TP at a local Albertsons!  How ridiculous that I felt like I'd found the golden ticket!  I carried that pack with pride all the way to the cashier.  Never have I felt so accomplished! 🎉  What have we been reduced to?? 🤷‍♀️ Q2) What has been the biggest challenge since the lockdown? A)  Not being able to spend time with family and friends as planned.  We had reservations at a Thousand Trails in Mesa, AZ for two weeks.  Two days before we were to arrive, all TT's cancelled incoming reservations.  This meant we'd have to stay in Quartzsite where we were boondocking for an extended period.  Quartzsite is 2.5 hours from our family and because of this we were unable to spend the quality time we had wanted prior to our travel plans for the summer.  Staying connected and involved with our family has been a big challenge.  Telephone calls, texts, face time and emails are great, but actual hugs and face to face conversations are even better!  I know this has been a huge challenge for most of us during this time. Q3)  Where are you currently parked/docked? A)  As mentioned, we spent 22 days boondocking in Quartzsite, then had to move into an RV park there as the temperatures began to rise.  100 degrees in an RV is no fun! 🥵  Thankfully we have AC, but in order to run both, we needed electrical hookups.  Even with the hookups, the heat took it's toll on us and we began searching for higher desert boondocking.  We're currently chasing the 70's and located in higher desert in Tonopah Nevada.  We actually had to get our jackets out last night!  Score!!! Q4)  What have you gone without recently? A)  Well, I look like a calico cat and Brian's hair is long enough to braid.  We're seriously in need of a hair salon.  I procrastinated scheduling a hair appointment for root touch up and color back in March. By the time I got around to doing it, the Governor of AZ deemed hair salons to be "non-essential" and the one shop in Quartzsite shut down.  A friend of mine suggested trying a box color and doing my own hair.  Since I get highlights, lowlights and toner, I'm a weeeeee bit nervous about doing my own. For the meantime, I'm going to use a root touchup spray (to hide my skunk tail) in the hopes I can make an appointment at some point in Tahoe.  I won't lie, my hair looks terrible!  Brian's just going to wear hats until Sport Clips is open again!  Lucky duck! Q5)  What are you most grateful for? A)  First and foremost, we're grateful that no one in our family has been diagnosed with Coronavirus .   Secondarily, having a RV that allows us to move around as needed and at the same time, being in the Southwest with very ample boondocking available. We've been able to hunker down in a beautiful place (Quartzsite) for the majority of the quarantine.  We'd still be there if the weather hadn't begun to turn.  We were in a beautiful location with wide open spaces, close to a small town and had terrific wifi and, we're only 2.5 hours from family if needed.  When it got too hot, we were able to take our home and move to higher ground.  We're now in another beautiful location. Q6)  What do you miss the most? A)  We miss our freedom 🇺🇸 .  Freedom we had to visit a brewery, hug our family, buy a personalized birthday cake, get our hair done, visit a national park, make reservations for more than one night in California, get a pedicure, make small talk with someone in the grocery store, shop a clothing store, grab a margarita at an outside patio, visit a museum, etc. etc.  This is a contentious topic for us, so we'll just stop here.  Our hearts  go out to all of the Americans who've lost their jobs and business owners who will lose their businesses.  It's a terrible thing.  We are still doing our best to support local businesses by purchasing take-out.  We hope our small contribution to your business will help you survive.  Hang in there! Q7)  How long has it been since you've been at a campsite? A)  I guess you could say we're currently at a campsite.  We're on BLM land which is free camping ⛺️ (dry camping) for up to 14 days.  The last time we were in an actual campground would be Picacho State Park campground 🌵  in Arizona.  Geeez, that was in December!!  How time flies! Q8)  What's your favorite quarantine food? A)  Hands down, we've been loving quarantine berries!  What?  You haven't heard of them?  Here's a pic!  I'm sure we're not alone in grabbing the berries more often than we should.   Q9)  How are you exercising/doing workouts? A)  We aren't!  No just kidding!  We're taking our dogs for more walks then they're used to, that's for sure.  When we boondock, it's easy to get out and explore our new area.  When we're in a RV park, it's a little more difficult depending on the layout and size of the park.  Additionally, we've been taking advantage of our eBikes 🚲  and using them to get around.   See our latest video on how we're surviving the quarantine blues:   LINK:   Honestly, we're not exercising as much as we should, especially while imbibing in the quarantine berries! Q10)  Who are you challenging next?  Choose 5! A)  Given the timing of this and now that some states are starting to relax quarantine rules, we'd like challenge the following.  However, we understand if you're receiving this a little late in the game.  Have fun with it! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃 @runawaywithusrv - Drew & Ann @roamingwrosie - Jamie & Linda @ohhomeontheroad - Rick & Dawn @jonesn2travel - Aaron & Tina @mountainbeaches - Norm & Kim @coastingcastaways - Barry & Jen Stay tuned for our upcoming  1-year Nomadiversary  Video!  We'll openly discuss our impressions of  our first year on the road, how much it REALLY cost us, how we made money, how we afford health insurance, our challenges and our greatest rewards .  It was a jam-packed and eventful year - for sure!  Stay tuned to our Youtube Channel for more information. Consider Subscribing and hitting that notification bell so you never miss a video!  We love our LU Crew Community! Shawnna & Brian ~ For additional information and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:   @lyfuninterrupted #lyfuninterrupted YOUTUBE: PINTEREST: REDDIT: u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot We now have Lyf Uninterrupted MERCHANDISE! FIND OUR FAVORITE RV LIFE GEAR IN OUR AMAZON SHOP AT:   WWW.AMAZON.COM/SHOP/LYFUNINTERRUPTED #rvlife #lyfuninterrupted #fulltimervliving #rvliving #10rvquestions

We Discuss our Best & Worst of RV Life in Live Interview with Wholesale Warranties

We Discuss our Best & Worst of RV Life in Live Interview with Wholesale Warranties

Stay tuned for our upcoming 1-year Nomadiversary Video!  We'll openly discuss our impressions of our first year on the road, how much it REALLY cost us, how we made money, how we afford health insurance, our challenges and our greatest rewards .  It was a jam-packed and eventful year - for sure!  Consider Subscribing and hitting that notification bell so you never miss a video!  We love our LU Crew Community! Are you interested in learning how a RV Warranty can provide you peace of mind on the road?  Please follow our affiliate link icon below:

We Stayed at a waterfront RV Resort for FREE!  But what did it really cost us?

We Stayed at a waterfront RV Resort for FREE! But what did it really cost us?

Recently, Brian and I stayed at a beautiful RV Resort on the Colorado River for FREE.  The price for a 4 night stay at this resort and all its amenities was 90 minutes of our time attending a resort membership presentation - also called a "resort tour".  Sort of like a timeshare presentation.   We were excited to stay at this park given its waterfront proximity on the Colorado River and had heard a lot about the exciting amenities.  In fact, my parents stayed here several years before us and loved it!  The cherry on top was that our contact in the promotions and marketing department verbally promised us a waterfront spot along with several other free gifts in exchange for our time.  How could we go wrong?! After driving 3.5 hours from Las Vegas, we finally arrived at registration with eager anticipation of getting to our waterfront site.  We could see the Colorado River and it looked awesome!  Now...I'm sure you can guess what happened!  That's waterfront sites available to us.  So, we did what most would do and contacted the person who set us up for the "resort tour".  Our first red flag was being told no waterfront sites are available and the second was being shuffled around to several individuals other than our own contact person.  Basically, we were called "liars" in a politically correct way. 🙁  Since it was 3:00 in the afternoon, we decide to press on and fulfill our obligation.  A park guide in a golf cart greeted us and guided us to our spot which had a wonderful waterfront view from the next row back.  Great consolation prize!.  The sites in this park are large, lined with palm trees and each has its own wooden picnic table.  The amenities were great!!  Two pools with three jacuzzis, putt putt golf, tiki bar & grill, clubhouse, two dog runs, activities, two laundry houses, bathhouses and beautiful beach access.  We were ready to forget the frustration we'd experienced at the beginning of this adventure! We were given a couple of days to settle in and enjoy the park and the BEACH before our "resort tour".  And that we did!  The temps were in the high 70's with a breeze, so it made for a wonderful spring day on the beach.  This park is very large so we took the opportunity to walk the dogs up and down the park to get the lay of the land.  The Tiki Bar was having a lunch special on Taco Tuesday, so we definitely took advantage of it along with $3.00 beers! Our 90-minute "resort tour" was scheduled for the next morning and we arrived with many questions, along with a genuine interest in learning more about California River Adventures, Coast to Coast & RPI memberships.  Several couples were in the waiting room along with us, and the sales office was decorated in cute RV memorabilia and travel posters.  Definitely intended to set the mood! Our salesperson  greeted us in the waiting room and took us back to her office space and began laying out brochures and information. For the next two hours (that's right, not 90 minutes as promised), we listened to our salesperson who was tremendously disorganized, nervous and spoke at a volume you'd expect at a rock concert or construction site with jackhammers.  Yikes!  While there was no resort tour given (as our registration letter described), we were instead shown charts, brochures, pictures and maps with numerous lucky charm symbols.  We were utterly confused and even after asking clarifying questions, had no idea how to make sense of what this salesperson had shared for the last two hours.  When she presented a price for membership (IT WAS A LOT OF MONEY!), our answer was a resounding "No, thank you" and we thanked her for her time.  She quickly stood up and was ready to escort us to the exit.  But wait.... where are the free gifts mentioned in our registration letter??? Her response "I don't know, you'll have to call the marketing office, I need to get to my next clients".  Wait...WHAT???! Out came red flag number three! To make a long story short, our salesperson wasn't willing to honor the free gifts in our letter because of an error in the coding on HER paperwork.  Luckily, the receptionist  at the front desk was more concerned about doing the right thing and honored our letter.  While we didn't expect the "resort tour" to be high-pressure, we did expect it to be professional, honest and informative.  It missed on all points, which is really unfortunate. Now to sum this all up....First of all, we really enjoyed our stay at the park and appreciate CRA for providing us with the 4 free nights in such a wonderful second row spot.  The park staff were very friendly. The park was fantastic and the amenities were great.  We especially enjoyed the onsite tiki bar and grill and the sunsets over the beach.  The red flags, while they didn't impact our stay, were enough that we wouldn't consider a membership with this organization.  The sales & marketing staff just weren't truthful or professional with us to the extent we would expect.  The company's asking for a lot of money for their membership and in doing so, need to refine their practices. The verdict:  We LOVED the park and enjoyed our stay!!   It cost us 2 hours of our time and some frustration with how we were treated by sales & marketing,  and because of that, WE would not purchase a membership.  And if you are considering a "resort tour" here and they promise you a waterfront site, get it in writing! Have you ever stayed at a resort to attend a membership "resort tour"?  How did it go?  Would you recommend this process to others? For additional information and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:   @lyfuninterrupted #lyfuninterrupted YOUTUBE: TWITTER:  @lyfuninterruptd REDDIT: u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot We now have Lyf Uninterrupted MERCHANDISE! FIND OUR FAVORITE RV LIFE GEAR IN OUR AMAZON SHOP AT:   WWW.AMAZON.COM/SHOP/LYFUNINTERRUPTED #rvlife #lyfuninterrupted #fulltimervliving #rvliving

Boondocking Jackpot | Beautiful Locations in the Desert Southwest

Boondocking Jackpot | Beautiful Locations in the Desert Southwest

By golly, we hit the jackpot!  Nope, not in Las Vegas but in the Desert Southwest!  This winter, Brian and I not only accepted a challenge to boondock (dry camp with no amenities) for at least 30 days, we also committed to boondocking around the Desert Southwest.  Even though we hail from the SW, we've never spent more than a week exploring it in our motorhome.  One, because we didn't have the resources to do so, and two, we didn't have the time. What we found both awed and inspired us to do more of it!!  If you're considering boondocking and looking for free and inexpensive areas to do so, here are four areas we've loved so far! Quartzsite, Arizona Where is the boondocking area :  If you're looking for free, yet want to be near (within 10 miles) of facilities (gas, water, propane, etc.), consider 95 S to the La Paz Valley Turnoff.  On the right side are numerous boondocking areas that are wide-open and gorgeous!  Also available are four Long Term Visitor Areas (LTVA) with a fee that includes dump stations and garbage dumpsters.  95 N also includes areas like the Plomosa Road turnoff.  Off I-10, you can find Dome Rock Road which includes a campground and BLM boondocking.  Most of these sites can be found on Campendium. Why should I go :  Go in January and you'll be in town for the Big RV Show.  February is the Rock and Mineral Show.  Go for the camaraderie and eclectic finds.  Stay for the beautiful wide-open spaces, TONS of 4 wheel riding, proximity to Blythe California, Glamis, The Desert Bar, the Colorado River, Yuma and Lake Havasu City.  You'll find beautiful desert vistas and mountains. Best times to go are November - March. How Long Can I Stay:  Up to 14 days.  For a fee, you can stay longer at the Long Term Visitor Areas in Quartzsite.   Where do I get provisions: The town of Quartzsite has many RV parks, gas stations and pit stops where you can get water, propane, dump and trash.  We've heard of the availability of "honey wagons" and 'water trucks" but we've never used them.  The town has some "Dollar General" type stores as well as two fully stocked groceries and restaurants.   Parker, Arizona Where is the boondocking area:  There are three that we're familiar with.  We stayed along the Colorado River in an area considered to be part of the Bluewater Casino RV Park.  But please note, while you must pay $15 a night to dry camp here, you are not eligible to use any of the RV Parks amenities up the road.  Staying along the river and having our own little slice of waterfront property was well worth the $15 a night.  The Bluewater Casino also permits visitors to boondock in the dirt areas surrounding the casino.  Please note, as of the time we were there, the north, dirt parking lot required a fee, while the south did not.  You will get incredible views of the surrounding mountains, access to the casino and perhaps if you're lucky, a view of the Colorado River.  You can also lot dock in the casino's paved parking lot but it's hugely unlevel.  A third option is down the Shea Rd. (Use google or Campendium to find it).  You'll need to drive down about 5 or so miles on a dirt road to find the boondocking sites.  There are some real beauties in this area. An alternative to Parker could be Earp, California right across the Colorado River.  Although we didn't stay there, we saw several Earp, CA BLM locations available on Campendium. Why should I go : The mountain views are spectacular and the one along the Colorado River is awesome!  If you go down Shea Rd. you'll have more 4-wheeling trails than you can imagine.  The location is close to the casino, Desert Bar and many waterfront restaurants and bars.  This location is also home to the Parker 425 races in January. and Arizona Dragboat Races in February.  Best times to go are November - March. How Long Can I Stay: Generally up to 14 days Where do I get provisions:  The Shea rd. location is about 6-8 miles out of town but still an easy ride back in.  The other locations are right in the town of Parker.  You'll have a ton of resources including a Walmart SuperCenter, Safeway, gas stations, propane, RV stores and a whole lot more! Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Where is the boondocking area:  There are several boondocking areas off the 95 heading into Lake Havasu City.  We stayed in an area called "The Steps".  You'll recognize this area as there are several terraced areas where boondockers can set up.  The higher you go, the more you'll need four-wheel drive, but the views of the river are spectacular.  When we arrived, the location was pretty empty; however, we soon found out it was the annual fireworks show the coming weekend and the place quickly filled up.  The Steps were about 10 miles from the town of Lake Havasu City.  When you enter the site, you'll see a small sign stating the land is AZ State Trust Land requiring a permit.  You can obtain it online for $20.  We chose to purchase the permit to avoid any issues; however, we know of several campers around us who did not.  Also off the 95 are Craggy Wash and several other BLM areas that can be found on Campendium.
Why should I go:  Great boondocking location with views of the Colorado River.  The higher you go up the terraced sites, the better the view.  There are plentiful four-wheeling trails all around.  In fact, there's a nice dirt road that leads from the camping area to the top of one of the mountains for a beautiful view.  We took our Jeep Grand Cherokee up the hill without problem.  The London Bridge and a multitude of water activities are only 10 miles away in Lake Havasu City.  The "Blast" fireworks show happens in February around the Valentine's Day holiday and lasts several nights.  Best times to go are November - March.
How long can I stay:  The AZ State Trust Land permit allowed us to stay up to 14 days.  This is a typical time frame for most BLM land in the area. Where do I get provisions:  You'll need to travel into Lake Havasu City to obtain provisions (about 10 miles away) and they have everything you'll need! There's a small state campground a few miles away that may provide water and/or dumping for a fee.  We didn't use it, but wanted to make mention that it's there.  I believe it's called Cattail Cove. Lake Meade National Park, NV Where is the boondocking area: We found the boondocking site on Campendium and it's called Government Wash, off Government Wash Rd. There are several off shoots from the main road and all lead to beautiful camping.  You'll have a wonderful view of Lake Meade, the mountains and surrounding land.  Most sites were level plus they've carved out several level pull outs for RV'ers.  We had wide open spaces, even through the weekend. Plentiful boondocking available. Why should I go:  Go for the views of the lake and the mountains.  Stay for the wide-open spaces, bright stars at night and howling coyotes.  If you have a boat, you can put it in the water at the bottom of the hill.  If you have four-wheelers, there are plenty of trails.  Lake Meade NP takes the America the Beautiful pass and we paid zero dollars to stay.  If you don't have the pass, it's $25 per vehicle.  Be sure to keep your tow vehicle hooked up when you enter or they'll charge you for each vehicle.  The park has a huge visitor center, biking trails, boat docks, RV parks and more! How long can I stay:  You can stay up to 15 days Where do I get provisions:  You'll be close to Boulder City, NV about 10 miles back to town. Boulder City has everything you'll need.  There is a RV park onsite that may allow you to fill up with water and/or dump, possibly for a fee.  We didn't use it so we don't really know.  We filled up with water and propane before we arrived. We hope this information was helpful and you take the opportunity to boondock and possibly explore these areas.  Campendium is a terrific source of information on free camping and something we use religiously to find great boondocking spots.  If you'd like more information on our 30-day boondocking challenge and how we did, please see our YouTube videos covering each of the four weeks below: Boondocking Week Four: Boondocking Week Three: Boondocking Week Two: Boondocking Week One: For additional information on boondocking and to connect with Brian and I on other platforms, please check out: FACEBOOK : INSTAGRAM :   @lyfuninterrupted #lyfuninterrupted YOUTUBE : TWITTER:  @lyfuninterruptd REDDIT : u/lyfuninterrupted  or u/mizcopilot We now have Lyf Uninterrupted MERCHANDISE! FIND OUR FAVORITE RV LIFE GEAR IN OUR AMAZON SHOP AT:   WWW.AMAZON.COM/SHOP/LYFUNINTERRUPTED

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